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Select Your

Choose the card that most closely matches the thoughts, feelings, emotions or patterns of behaviour you would like to address! 


There are 9 Brand New Cards available right now and more to come in the coming weeks and months ahead! 

Any questions you have regarding the cards please feel free to read all of the info on this page and check out the usage page here.

Place Your

Select your card by scrolling through the available Harmony Card Series. When one catches your attention see if any of the keywords relate to you. Each card treats many things, not ALL keywords may relate to you! 

You can wear up to 2 cards at one time in 2 different pockets.

Cards are sent out for shipping Mon, Weds & Fridays. Postage & Packaging from Singapore is included in the price!​

Wear Your

Place your Harmony Card into your pocket, vest or bra. Many clients find it most comfortable to place it where they will think least about it during the day. 

Your card has a magnetic field, so it is important to not place your card next to or on your mobile phone or any other electronic devices during the 30 days.

Receive The Change

Over the next 30 days your card will begin to do its magic. Some people sensitive to energy may become aware of the shifts in vibration more rapidly than others.


A desire to remove the card, or resistance to wearing it can indicate you are pushing through the very energies that have been keeping you stuck. Perseverance will out-create this. Once over 50% of the energies have been released any resistance fades away making way for greater Joy to be experienced.


This new collection has been created just for you! You totally deserve to be gifted the kindness and caring of this beautiful range of cards! These beautiful formulas have been created to heal, support, contribute and change the very areas of your life you desire to have show up differently. 


Self Care is exactly that, it's your moment to care for you, honour you and be the kindness you have always desired to receive! You can now create for you everything you have ever desired easily!

Allow your body to guide you to the very card/s that would be a priority for you! Yes, you can wear 2 cards at once! 

Self Collection

Do you long for more Self-Confidence? Have you lost confidence? Or always desired to have more of it?


What would it be like if you had all the confidence you desired and required? What would the confident you choose? Create or do? 

What fun would you have? Where would you go? Who would have to notice you?

Self Confidence is quite literally available to buy via the Harmony Card! Be the person you were always meant to be! 

Keywords: Releases Emotions of Bullied Experiences / Transforms Self-Rejection / Releases Feeling 'Not Good Enough' / Addresses Fear Of Failure & The Fear of Success / Increases Self Value / Enhances Daring To Be Yourself


Is Self-Sabotage destroying your targets and goals? 


Procrastination, destructive patterns and risky choices, withdrawal, addictive behaviours are just a few of the choices one can make when set on sabotaging their targets! 


Its being in conflict, having opposing targets & goals, "I want it + I dont want it". Self-sabotage is when those conflicting parts do battle and you are out of alignment with the future you say you desire to have!


Eliminating Self-Sabotage can assist you to align with the futures you say you desire to have!

Great For: Fear of Failure / Fear of Success / Sabotaging Relationships / Destructive Behaviour Patterns / Reduces: Inner Conflict - Negative Self-Talk - Pro-Crastination / Increases: Potential / Alignment With Targets & Goals


Do you require to increase your Self Love? Are you loving you or judging you? 

If love was the absence of Judgement would you like to increase your love for yourself and decrease judging you? 

Self Love as a choice changes your life in almost every way.

This Harmony Card is truly a game changer. Kindness, honour, love and high consideration for the beautiful being you truly are. 

Are you ready to gift you the level of love you know is possible?

Great For: Self-Judgement / Unworthy Feelings / Abuse / Toxic Self Talk / Building & Increasing Self Worth / Builds The Muscle Of Self-Kindness & Self-Honour 


Are you ready to find out what it's like to truly be kind to you above all else?

This card invites you to become your own best friend. Imagine or recall what it's like to truly treat someone with a high level of kindness & honour... Would you like to begin treating you the same?

Now imagine a life where you treated you just like that! What would your life be like if you woke each and every morning willing to honour and be kind to you and your body as a reality?

If you were kindness and an honouring for you, would others begin to treat you with the same level of love and care?

Honouring & being kind to you can show up in ways you might not have known was true kindness.

Keywords: Unlovable / Releases Negative Messaging / Releases Unkind Judgements / Releases Cellular Memories of The Past / Increases Self Worth / Restores Wholeness / Diminishes Self Doubt / Encourages You To Be True To Your Self 


Do you struggle with Expressing yourself?

Do you often not know how to say what you desire to say?


Have you ended up saying nothing at all when you really needed to communicate with someone?


Is conversation and speech something that you have struggled with?


This super formula can and will invite you to greater clarity and precision with your speech, delivering it and allowing the words to flow naturally in your own style!

Self Expression can invite you to have the self love, self esteem, self confidence and self value to speak with clear communication to vocalise your needs and desires.

Keywords: Feeling Less Than / Improves Worthiness / Release Self-Doubt / Increases Confidence Encourages Assertiveness / Eliminates Sadness / Transforms Passive Behaviour / Releases internalised negative thoughts / Combats Moodiness Made From Lack of Expression


Does your self-esteem need a boost? 


Would you like to build a high level of self respect, self-worth & confidence to show up being you? 

An abundance of self-esteem can create huge leaps and invite you to up level any area of your life with ease!

Wearing this card eliminates inner conflicts that keep you from the life you would love to have.

Is now the time to stop hiding, turning you down, dividing, separating and diminishing everything you are?


What if today you can choose instead to  activate your full possibilties??

Keywords: Transforms Separation From Self & Others / Increases Self Worth & Self Esteem / Promotes Confidence / Eliminates People Pleaser / Increases Assertive Choices / Transforms Feeling Less Than & Judged / Addresses Fear of Authority / Transforms Inner Conflicts / Increases Joy / Eliminates Distress


Do you have self judgement to eliminate?


Does judging you keep you from everything you desire to have?

Do you have a list as long as your arm of things that you you don't like about you or you have considered are wrong about you?

Are you ready to eliminate toxic thoughts, feelings and emotions that keep you from loving yourself? 

Self Judgement transforms all forms of self punishment by inviting you on a journey to discover the greatness of you!


Keywords: Eliminates Self Punishment / Dissipates deep wounds / Releases toxic self Image / Transforms & Heals The Cellular Memory of Abuse / Release Self Judgement / Releases Cycles of Feeling Unlovable / 


Does the fear of being judged hold you back? Do you resist and react or hide away when others are unkind towards you? 

Do you think others are talking about you behind your back? When you believe that to be true do you go down the rabbits hole? 

These cycles can lead to harsh self criticism & self punishment, all based upon the opinions of others. 

What would it be like if what others thought of you had no effect on you whatsoever? What if you were so sure of yourself that you never ever gave up your inner knowing and truth of who you are?


Keywords: Increases Self Worth / Raising Self Esteem / Eliminates: Fear of Being Left Behind - Fear of Feeling Vulnerable - Fear of Being Judged


Would you like to increase your self awareness?


Would you like to have crystal clear clarity of what's possible? 

Higher awareness of self helps an individual to tune into their energetic interactions, feelings and responses as well as to the behaviours and feelings of others.


With this new information of self and others a person is able to choose to adapt to their available choices with greater ease. 

NB: An Increase in Awareness Isn't Always Comfortable or Desired. 


Keywords: Increases Self Awareness & Consciousness / Promotes Clarity & Clear Thinking / Increases conscious Information of Oneself / Recognition of What Information Belongs To You & What Belongs To Others / 

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