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Transformational Intuitive Haylee Emma will work with you to access information to create greater clarity, ease and peace for you around what you would like to know more about. 

Haylee is an Energy Enthusiast and a Transformational Therapist gifting you and those in the spirit world, greater ease and choice.
She reads energy and perceives what's possible beyond any limitations you or anyone else has set as a barrier to the clarity, healing or success you desire to create and have. 


A reading with Haylee can also include guidance cards which can open up doors, pathways and spaces that were previously hidden or unavailable to you to invite you to look at what is going on for you and what else is possible. 


Haylee has the capacity to perceive the greatness of you and will shine a light through the trees... Guiding you with spiritual guidance to create and enhance greater possibilities for you in the future. 


The density and heaviness felt before a reading can lift allowing for something magnificent to show up... 
This isn't a reading to tell you where you are going wrong, It's a reading to demonstrate how what you are creating in life is truly a gift to you, and an invitation to turn anything around. She will invite you to an undeniable reality which is yours, one which has such a pull that not choosing it would be an insanity...


Haylee can also identify and clear unwanted and undesired attachments, energetic chords, ties, energies, entities and anything isn't working for you and your highest good. She can also advise you on how not to re-create this kind of negative attachment. 

Whatever you decide, Haylee wishes you all the very best from herself & from the beautiful beings around you that are waiting to gift to you....


Connecting With The Divine During Readings To Give You The Very Messages You Require To Hear So That You Can Create The Life You Long to Have...


Emotional Detox Therapy is a full transformational process which incorporates distant kinesiology & energy diffusion designed to address the emotional root cause or causes of our distress, upset or undesired psychological emotional or physical symptoms. 


Often we desire to change a condition, situation, response, reaction or habit and as hard as we try we often find ourselves being drawn into repeating a negative pattern which creates more of what we don’t desire to show up in our lives. Likewise we can attract the same type of person or experience into our lives, try as we might to avoid these circumstances again, it can show up repeatedly leaving a person feeling despondent, anxious, stressed and unhappy in an area of their lives. 


Through a transformational process such as Emotional Detox Therapy we can begin to understand our patterns brought about from past experiences, unmet needs, unprocessed emotions, and our beliefs. By treating these at the root cause we can free ourselves up to learn and practice new patterns of positive actions and responses that create more of what we truly desire.


All emotional detox treatments are designed to have an ongoing energetic transformation which will be posted to you after your session. This energetic diffusion and transformation will be in the form of a harmony card. Which put simply a specially designed energy card that you will wear upon your body every day for 30 days to continue to support you throughout, in-between your sessions. It will diffuse the past, the root cause unprocessed negative thoughts, emotions, traumas or experiences, leaving you free to practice new skills and behaviours to bring about the positive change you desire to have. 


Clients typically take between 1 & 5 sessions to treat and transform their patterns, giving them the opportunity to empty out old feelings from the vessel and refill it with new proud positive experiences. Emotional Detox is designed to cut straight through to the core saving many years through other traditional methods of change. Your change will of course depend on your willingness to let go of the past and instead choose to create a new life filled with positive outcomes!


Haylee looks forward to working with and supporting you through your Emotional Detox Journey. You can book below to begin this amazing new adventure to true transformational change!  

Combining Spiritual Psychology & Neuroscience We Can Truly
Create Real Positive Long-Lasting Change!


Many homes have energies that can be cleared with a thorough investigation while others require more in depth communication and negotiation between myself and the beings residing in the property to identify what is desired for them to either contribute to you, your business and the property or leave. Almost always there are very positive results upon investigations, a property can often have spirit beings that after I have communicated with them result in an exchange of energies that truly contribute to you, your financial reality, your wellbeing and so much more.. Much of which can and will be almost undefinable, it’s just without doubt more harmonious and prosperous in and around the dwelling for you and everyone within the home. 

Hotels, rental properties and any building, that has received many visitors over the years or live in tenants can also benefit from regular consultations. People leave behind their electro-magnetic imprinting on properties, and they often bring with them undesired energies and spirits that can linger inside your property long after they leave.

Haylee will communicate with you via online video software to hear your areas of concern and then go about looking at the energy of your property. She will work with total presence and look at every single area that requires inspection distantly using her capacities with homes. Your distance from her physically makes absolutely no difference; haylee has often found that it’s much easier to work with properties from across the world, as the physical appearance is then not distracting to psychic awareness. Your investment in Haylee as a house consultant is one that could change your business, your hotel, your home and the lives of everyone inside of it forever.


Haylee is experienced with communicating with and clearing entities, spaces and places distantly. This allows her to perceive the energies and entities within and around your property allowing her to work remotely with you wherever you are based in the world. She will connect with you before the work is carried out for a short consultation to see which areas of concerns you have and to answer any questions before she begins her investigation. A short report will be created for you so that she can confirm what work has been carried out and if there is any further work to be looked at. 

All consultations will be monitored regularly by Haylee remotely at least once a week for 3 weeks to ensure your property is vibrationally compatible with you and its residents. Keeping a watchful eye on the property remotely on a weekly basis will hi-light any movement, shifts or changes within the property and bring about any new information for you ongoing, so that you don't attract or repeat any patterns of behaviour that may encourage the return of any disharmony.

Your property consultation fee includes this follow on service within the price for 3 weeks, and if any further work has to be carried out Haylee will notify you by email and let you know if she had to contribute anything further to your property in the 3 weeks after the treatment. 

Detrimental Energies & Entities Can Be Identified & Cleansed.
Properties Can Hold & Contain Many Frequencies Which Prevent Peace & Calm. After A Property Consultation Has Been Carried Out Clients Almost Always Immediately Report A Signifiant Change In Their Environment, Relationships & The Way The Property Feels To Them & Others That Visit Their Home. 

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