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Energetic Property Consultations

This is a property consultation to clear & transform yr home space

1 h 30 min
399 British pounds
Zoom Audio / Telephone

Service Description

Many homes have energies that can be cleared with a thorough investigation while others require more in depth communication and negotiation between myself and the beings residing in the property to identify what is desired for them to either contribute to you, your business and the property or leave. Almost always there are very positive results upon investigations, a property can often have spirit beings that after I have communicated with them result in an exchange of energies that truly contribute to you, your financial reality, your wellbeing and so much more... Much of which can and will be almost undefinable, it’s just without doubt more harmonious and prosperous in and around the dwelling for you and everyone within the home. Hotels, rental properties and any building, that has received many visitors over the years or live in tenants can also benefit from regular consultations. People leave behind their electro-magnetic imprinting on properties, and they often bring with them undesired energies and spirits that can linger inside your property long after they leave. Employing the services of a house consultant to look at the energy of the property can assist in happy visitors, family, regular bookings for hotels and a flow of harmony throughout the property that has people returning over and over. Haylee will communicate with you via online video software to hear your areas of concern and then go about looking at the energy of your property. She will work with total presence and look at every single area that requires inspection distantly using her capacities with homes. Your distance from her physically makes absolutely no difference; haylee has often found that it’s much easier to work with properties from across the world, as the physical appearance is then not distracting to psychic awareness. Your investment in Haylee as a house consultant is one that could change your business, your hotel, your home and the lives of everyone inside of it forever. Haylee has many capacities with entities, spaces and places which allows her by to perceive the energies and entities within and around your property allowing her to work distantly with you wherever you are based in the world she will connect with you before the work is carried out for a short consultation to see which areas of concerns you have and to answer any questions before she begins her investigation. This is inclusive of a 3 sessio clearing to ensure harmony is created for your property...

Cancellation Policy

To cancel of reschedule your booking, please contact us at least 24 hours beforehand. Thank you

Contact Details

Norwich, UK

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Created by Haylee Emma 2021 

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