After Life Coaching
Haylee is able to energetically tap into the energy of your loved ones and perceive whats required to get both you and those you care for in the after-life free from uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, and emotions of the past or present thereby changing the future.
Other clients have sought assistance to resolve some unfinished business with someone in the spirit world and similarly, spirit beings can desire the same with people here on the earth plane. This has often included resolving past issues of disharmony in relationships, abuse, anger and many areas of their lives that they have been able to receive relief and healing around through these sessions!
The energetic shifts that are possible during these readings are both Sensational and Transformational for the spirit world and for the beings here on the earth plane!
After a reading with Haylee, her clients are able to move on and invite greater kindness, peace, and ease into their lives. Knowing your loved ones in spirit are at peace, creates such a huge relief.
Plus when earth beings are freed from unwanted and undesired energies and entities that may have been creating discomfort, there is a huge sense of space and increased well-being from the newly found disconnection of those beings. Whatever you desire from this exploration I know that Haylee can assist you to achieve your targets!
Who do you know anyone that's looking for this?
Mentoring Sessions
Would you like to work 121 with Haylee developing your Skills? Capacities? Abilities? Or perhaps it's to look at a part of your coaching / healing / psychic / spirit / faciltiation business?
If you book a package of mentoring sessions Haylee willl make available any and all of her training and capacities to assist you to tap into yours, she will work with you to develop and fine tune the magic of you, to invite your clients to the magic of them!
If you would like Haylee to contribute to your business, capacities, projects and ideas then this could be the package for you. This mentorship will increase your capacities, your super powers, skills, confidence and support you beyond anything measurable to gift your clients the magic they are asking for...
Coaches Empowering Coaches! Healers Empowering Healers! Faciltiators Empowering Facilitators! Psychics Empowering Psychics to know what they know..
It is my mission to demonstrate the possibility that there is so much to gain when you surpass the bs and get out of your own way... All the magic exists there, beyond inferiority, beyond the I'm not good enough, beyond competition, beyond judgement and beyond unkindness...
My target is to get as many people out there knowing they have so fucking much to contribute to the world and to acknowledge they are exactly what someone out there is asking for right now!
Its time to up your belief in self, add to your skills and expand your super powers... Mentoring with Haylee is just so infinitely bespoke.. We can make it up as we go along!!
Lets create your wildest dreams and invite more of what you desire to you and your business practice or clinic... Ask me anything, help with your targets for self, your business or with your clients, I will assist you to more of the greatness of you!
You can use your 180 or 360 min sessions however you please, ten mins here and there or an hour at a time... What would create the most?
Energetix Coaching Sessions
What would you have if you could have anything, seriously... Get the energy of that!!
What have you always desired to create, choose or explore?
Do you require energetic clearing before you begin this new creation? Would you like brand new tools to create with greater speed and ease? Or do you desire for your coach to keep you accountable for doing the damn thing?
Haylee will be whatever is required to get you to where you would like to be!
Haylee is a potent, highly experienced, powerful Coach that will have your back by not judging you, and work with you to create your dreams and beyond!
Using intuition, questions, magical formulas, tools from an array of modalities and by following the energy, Haylee will assist you to create more of what you desire.
Haylee can be booked for individual sessions or you can commit to creating your reality and get Haylee's facilitation in a package that matches what you are asking for!
Psychic Card Readings
Readings with Haylee can be fun, uplifting and inspiring!
Haylee has a very upbeat no-nonsense way of reading people and situations gifting you the choice to turn anything around or change things for the better. Haylee doesn't see problems you cannot overcome, she sees possibilities, choices, pragmatic solutions, your gifts, talents, and abilities!
What would you like to receive greater clarity, information or guidance on or about? Is there something you would like to know more about? Would you like a relationship reading? Do you have questions about creating a relationship? Business questions? Family questions, friendships? Is there an area of your life you just wish you had more awareness on? Do you require a reading to get you back in your flow?
Many people seek Haylee's readings to get back in the flow of their lives and get information about what's standing in their way of having that in their lives at this time. Haylee will tap into the energy to create greater ease and choice so that you can choose to change this area with total ease.
What if this reading could create a space for something greater to show up in your life?
Haylee has read for many people that have changed their lives entirely based on trusting the universe and the information that showed up during these readings. Many have been inspired and created changes in relationships, they have started new business ventures, had money show up as if by magic and created huge success generally! As a coach and an energy reader, Haylee can gift you an opportunity to change areas of your life into something AMAZING if you are truly willing to have those areas change right now?
A reading with Haylee can and will often include the use of cards which can open up doors, pathways and spaces that were previously hidden or unavailable to you inviting you to a greater possibility. Getting unstuck, expanding your choices, receiving reassurance can truly change your reality and pop you on a new pathway!
Any density and heaviness felt before a reading can lift during a session with Haylee due to the space she will hold and questions she asks. This allows for something magnificent to show up!
Getting clear on what's showing up, whats required for you to know, and what you can choose, can create so much more clarity, ease, and happiness
What might a reading with Haylee gift you?? Are you ready to find out?
Energetic Property Consultations
Many properties have energies and entities that can be cleared fast and easily through an energetic property consultation. Whilst others require more in-depth communication and negotiation between Haylee and the beings residing on the property to identify what is desired for them to either contribute to you, your home your property or vacate. Almost always there are very positive results upon investigations, a property can often have spirit beings that after Haylee has communicated with them result in an exchange of energies that truly contribute to you, your financial reality, your wellbeing and so much more...
Haylee works regularly with Schools, Businesses and students. She has also worked with rental properties, hotels and a great variety of spaces that have housed unwanted, undesired and non contributing energies.and Colleges around the world creating greater realities for the owners, staff,
Hotels, rental properties and in fact any building, that has received many visitors over the years or live in tenants can also benefit from regular consultations and clearings. People leave behind their electromagnetic imprinting on properties, and they can also bring with them undesirable energies and spirits that can linger inside your property long after they leave. Employing the services of an energetic property consultant to look at the energy of the property can assist in creating a space for happy visitors, family, regular bookings and a flow of harmony throughout the property that has people returning and experiencing joy over and over.
Haylee will communicate with you via online video software to hear your areas of concern and then go about tapping into and looking at the energy of your property. She will work with total presence and look at every single area that requires inspection distantly using her capacities with remote viewing. Your distance from her physically makes absolutely no difference; Haylee has often found that it’s much easier to work with properties from across the world, as the physical appearance is then not distracting to her psychic awareness.
Your investment in her as a property consultant is one that could change your business, your hotel, your home and the lives of everyone inside of it forever.
Haylee has many capacities with entities, spaces and places which allows her by to perceive the energies and entities within and around your property allowing her to work distantly with you wherever you are based in the world. She will connect with you before the work is carried out for a short consultation to see which areas of concerns you have and to answer any questions before she begins her investigation. A report can be created for you if required so that she can confirm what work has been carried out and if there is any further work to be looked at.
If further work is required Haylee can create a rate for you that would allow for any extra works to be carried out.
The price shown is for homes of up to 5 bedrooms. For any hotels, schools, business premises etc please contact Haylee so that she can give you a price for the property that you desire to be cleared.