If we haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet, please let me introduce myself my name is...
Haylee Arnold
I have been creating kickass change, transformation and magic in peoples lives now for around 13+ years professionally.
Confidence Coach, Spirit Whisperer & Consciousness Facilitator.
I will invite you to expand your space and look at what's really true for you!
Creating space, clarity & greater awareness through question is one of my specialties!
I'm super excited to invite you to my latest Book Club where we will be reading and looking at one of the first books on
manifesting your desires by Esther & Jerry Hicks
Ask and It Is Given!
This book has been calling out to me for some time now, and throughout the past 13 years of teaching, facilitating and assisting people through change it is a book I have still yet to read!
I began looking at this book just a few weeks ago and only just a few pages in I was already like WHAT??? OMG?? REALLY??
So I know this journey will be fun, exciting and give all of us a chance to choose and ASK with strongly built foundations of trust!
What would you ASK for if you could ask for anything?
What you will get through this book club!
Daily readings at 3pm Singapore time, which will be uploaded into a special facebook playgroup for you to watch over and over as many times as you desire at whatever time you desire to watch them!
You will have the opportunity to stop me at any point for clarification on anything from the book, and to ask questions via the facebook chat section of the livestream...
I will run clearings on any energy the book brings up for listening in!
Plus the use of a warm and friendly facebook group playground where we can play with asking for our desires!!
We will round off the bookclub with a Zoom Video Call Live where you are all invited to show up and go big with your asks, ask questions and step into the new possibilities from this book club series!!
Ok, Im sold, I'm choosing THAT!